People’s Belief in the Possible

Have you ever paid attention to how many commercials there are promoting prescription medications? Medication to help with sleep or IBS, to help prevent the flu, to clear psoriasis, to clear toenail fungus, and so many more. What do all of these have in common? They all are pharmaceuticals that treat the symptoms, but not the cause of the issue.

People have put so much faith in using pharmaceuticals and not ever second guessing what it is they are actually taking. One common question I hear from people regarding Plexus is, “What is in your products?” I think this is a legitimate question, but those same people do not question what is in the allergy medications they buy over the counter or the medications they get from their physician. They do not question what is in the food they are consuming. So why is it they question natural products which have 1000’s of stories from real people to prove they work to help people get healthy?do your research

People want to believe in the possible of one medication being the answer to all the issues they are having and therefore they do not question what is given to them by a doctor. They want to believe that these medications that have been evaluated by the FDA are safe. I can not blame them for this. People should be able to trust that their doctor has their best interests at heart.

I encourage all people to do their research on any medication or natural product that they have been recommended to take. Be educated on what you are choosing to put into your body or the bodies of those you love.

Plexus has been Evaluated by The Cleveland Clinic

The Cleveland Clinic has evaluated Plexus®!!

Plexus is gaining more and more believers including doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and many more.

A Top Nutritionist at The Cleveland Clinic evaluated Plexus®!!

US News & World Report ranks the Cleveland Clinic Hospital and the extensions of Cleveland Clinic as the #1 Hospital & Care in the US.

“Today was a most interesting and rewarding experience at the Clinic. I accompanied my friend who is being treated for Celiac Disease for a very thorough Nutrition Review with one of their top Nutritionist. When asked about vitamins or any type of supplements – of course, they never heard of Plexus®!

So a thorough evaluation was done from ALL the ingredients of the Plexus X Factor™ which is a multivitamin. Result? Very high compliment and was encouraged to take 2 per day!

Pink Drink was evaluated – received very high marks for what it does for normalizing glucose levels in the gut and reducing inflammation in the intestinal tract.

Probio5™ – suggestion was to take THIS special blend as it is not like any of the over the counter probio fakes….in fact – the Nutritionist was so impressed with how Plexus managed to formulate ALL NATURAL and Gluten Free products to address many gastro and gut issues and stated that these products would be very beneficial in managing this autoimmune disease!

How does it get any better than that? Disease or not – Everybody needs this PINK Drink in them to start their day to normalize unbalanced sugar levels in their body and counter any toxins they may take in! Nutritionist said people do not realize how severe inflammation affects people and how this wears on the body! Know wonder we have ILL health when we get older or may have ILL health NOW!”

Cleveland clinic
**Plexus does not claim to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


The Journey to Getting Healthy is Not Easy

The journey to getting healthy is far from easy and this is the reason so many people avoid even trying. It is easier to just accept that we are unhealthy than to take the time to learn how to become healthy. People believe that being healthy means giving up the thnatural-results-chiropractic-journey-to-good-healthings we love such as chocolate or french fries. This is far from the truth. You can be healthy and enjoy the foods that you love.

Getting healthy takes time and this is the one thing that people these days never give themselves. It took time to become unhealthy, but it happened so slowly that it was not as noticeable. So why is it that when we want to become healthy we have these high expectations that it is going to happen in just a short amount of time? If it took us 10 years to become unhealthy why do we believe we can reverse this is 1 month? These expectations we have for ourselves are not realistic and this leads to people just giving up and going back to their old ways. Getting healthy is a process. If you want to get healthy you have to commit to getting healthy by giving your body the time it needs.

What excuses do you tell yourself for why you are not healthy? Not enough time? Eating healthy is expensive? Gym memberships are expensive? You will never be the size you were when you were younger? It is easier to get a surgery for my ailment?  We can come up with any excuse to not do something when we really do not want to do it because we fear failure.

Plexus Worldwide® offers a natural way to get yourself healthy and become the person you always knew you were without having to give up the things you love. Several of the products offer people a way to get healthy without the struggle that so many other programs offer. Plexus Worldwide® products offer people an opportunity to get healthy from the inside out and solve the underlying issues that keep them from getting healthy. Through the balancchange is importanting of blood sugars and getting your digestive system healthy you can make getting healthy a reality.

If you want to take the next step in your health goals or begin the journey to getting healthy, Plexus® natural products may be able to help you with this. When you are ready to make this commitment, reach out and through guidance and coaching you can get there.

I know Plexus has changed my life. By making a decision to get started it may be able to help change yours too.

Cassandra Stocker

Learn More Here





Aspartame, The Silent Killer

Pepsi has now released a new product that no longer contains aspartaspartame and healthame and this intrigued me because this ingredient has been a part of diet sodas for over 30 years. I had to ask myself if they now know that all these years of aspartame consumption has caused a society of people who are spending more time in medical facilities for a variety of illnesses that were not as prevalent before the 1980’s. Why would they now eliminate this ingredient from their products and offer and alternative to consumers?

Have you seen aspartame in the ingredients of many of the foods and drinks that you can buy at the grocery store? You can find this ingredient in a variety of beverages, sweets, snacks, condiments, & even some medicines. It is found in many foods because of it’s caloric value and you may know it as Equal or NutraSweet. What you do not know about it is how it is silently killing humans who are consuming it. Aspartame is a human-made ingredient that attacks neurons in the body causing many of the health issues that we see more prevalent today.

Aspartame was discovered by accident when, in 1965, when James Schlatter, a chemist of G.D. Searle Company, was testing an anti-ulcer drug. It was originally approved for dry goods on 1974, but objections were filed by a neuroscience researcher Dr. John W. Olney and a consumer attorney James Turner and the research practices of G.D. Searle were also looked into, thus delaying approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It later then was approved in 1981 for dry goods and in 1983 for carbonated beverages.

Over 75% of  aversions to food additives reported to the FDA are caused by aspartame. Several of these reactions can be severe and even result in seizures or death. The list of these reactions is numerous and may include;

Muscle spasms
Weight gain
Vision problems
Hearing loss
Heart palpitations
Breathing difficulties
Anxiety attacks
Slurred speech
Loss of taste
Memory loss
Joint pain

In addition to the reactions that humans may endure are the effects that aspartame may have on those who may have chronic illnesses and who ingest aspartame. A list of these illnesses are as follows;

Brain tumors
Multiple sclerosis
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Parkinson’s disease
Mental retardation
Birth defects

The three chemicals that make up aspartame are aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. “The book Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James and Phyllis Balch lists aspartame under the category of “chemical poison.”

If you research each of these chemicals you will find that aspartic acid is linked to neurological disorders. Phenylalanine is linked to depression and methanol causes a variety of symptoms because when ingested it turns into formaldehyde in the body. Knowing this now, why would you want to eat or drink anything that contains aspartame?  products with aspartame.jpg

Specific foods and other products that contain aspartame which you may want to avoid are numerous. Many of the sugar-free items, diet sodas, several children’s chewable vitamins, some cough drops and hard candies, many different cooking sauces, Jello brand puddings and jello, several varieties of gums, many brands of coffee creamers, Crystal Light, Kool-Aid products, certain cereals, yogurts, and of course Equal and NutraSweet. Obviously,the only way to know if the products you are consuming contain aspartame is you have to read the label.

My journey to becoming more healthy is slow, but making progress. Reading labels and eliminating the chemicals that are so prevalent in the foods we eat will take time. I know though that in the end, my family will benefit from not consuming these unnatural ingredients and our future selves  will be grateful when we are not relying on pharmaceutical drugs to keep our bodies functioning. I know that our health will improve and we will spend less time in the doctor’s office. I am excited for this journey and to learn more as I do more research.

Being a Plexus®ambassador has made the beginning of this journey more manageable in that cravings for several of the foods that contain these ingredients are minimal and giving my body what it needs motivates me to want to be healthier. The products that Plexus Worldwide® promote are natural and help the body to work the way it was intended to. With the foods that we have had available to us for several decades our bodies have become toxic and I am happy I have found a line of products that will help my family and myself become free from being reliant on them and be less toxic.

If you are interested in learning more about the products that Plexus Worldwide® offers, find me on Facebook at Cassie Gardner-Stocker or send me an email at and we can talk. Every new person I talk to helps me learn more about how to live a healthier Plexus® life.

say no to aspartame





New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel

I caught this infomercial recently about a product names OmegaXL that states it helped with joint pain and inflammation, so it intrigued me because Plexus Worldwide®  Ease™ products have been found to help with both of these issues. The main ingredient of this OmegaXL is the New Zealand Green-Lipped Mussel and it is the main ingredient as well in the Ease™ products from Plexus Worldwide®. I kept thinking there must be something to this amazing mussel for people to be using it in supplements and seeing results that they have not seen with synthetic choices.

So, I started to do a little research on the amazing New Zealand Green-Lipped Mussel and found so many great benefits. Green-lipped mussel is a nutritional supplement taken from perna canaliculus, a bivalve mollusc (mussel) native to New Zealand. The main benefits that are widely known are it helps with arthritic conditions and reducing inflammation. As I did more research, I found even more benefits that are not as widely known. The amazing green lipped mussel has been shown to help with your appearance (hair, nails, and skin), circulatory system, immune system, bones and teeth, fertility, and the nervous system.

Green Lipped Mussel.jpg

So how can one little natural mollusk do so much and help with so many things? Well, there are three ways to take the New Zealand green lipped mussel. It can be taken in a ground up powder form, capsule form, and freeze-dried form. It took years for people to find the best way to take it to get the most benefit, but it is now gaining notoriety for it’s wonderful benefits. When purchasing any supplement using all-natural options you always want to make sure you are purchasing one that is of high quality and not just any product on the shelf.

The restorative powers found in the omega 3s of these mussels have been found to have restorative abilities. As the body metabolizes the natural omega-3s found in the green lipped mussel, it goes to work on restoring and soothing inflamed joints, muscles and tissues. This can cause a great deal of pain relief for people suffering from health issues such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus and other illnesses which cause severe joint pain. It is also of great benefit to people who suffer from asthma, chronic bronchitis or respiratory issues, as it helps lung tissue to regain strength and restore normal breathing ability.

Of course if you are allergic to any form of shellfish, taking products with the New Zealand Green-Lipped Mussel would not be an option and this really is too bad since it offers so much in a more natural solution. The most common side effects are usually related to the stomach with possibly having nausea and gas.

If you are interested in learning more, just Google the New Zealand Green-Lipped Mussel and find all the great benefits it has to offer. Plexus® offers products with the New Zealand Green-Lipped Mussel in a powered capsule form and also in a cream form for temporary relief from aches and pains. ease system



What Can Plexus Help With?

Plexus has helped many people with many different medial issues. I think the biggest one is helping people to reduce or eliminate prescription medications. Most of the time when we are not feeling well, what do we do? We go to the doctor. The doctor will take our weight, blood pressure, temperature, etc. and possibly request to have blood drawn to look for any underlying health issues. These things are all great and offer us a chance to monitor our health, but let’s be realistic. Most of us do not monitor these things on our own regularly and thus if the tests the doctors administer indicate that there is something wrong with us, more often then not, they prescribe us a medication to keep the issue in line.

What they do not share with us is how these medications are not natural to our bodies and so they eventually begin to affect our bodies in other ways. These prescription medications that are given to us to help with the issues often cause other issues. These prescription medications may have horrible side effects that we may not feel or notice right away, so are they really helping? These prescription drugs also cost 100’s to 1000’s of dollar each month for many people. All of this money that people could be using to help themselves get healthy in a more natural way.

People also may have reactions to these drugs.  Every year, more than 2 million Americans suffer from serious adverse drug reactions. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), these reactions cause about 100,000 deaths per year, making prescription drugs the fourth-leading cause of death in the country. In the end these drugs that are being given to us are not actually curing the issues but causing new issues and sometimes even killing people.

If you are taking prescription drugs or know someone who is for things such as diabetes, high cholesterol, high/low blood pressure, thyroid issues, insomnia, anxiety, psoriasis, lupus, MS, and many more, Plexus may be able to help with an all natural solution that is a fraction of the cost and contains ingredients that we need in our daily lives. Why would you want to continue to take a drug that may be doing more harm than good? Why would you not want to try something that you may find gives you back your life and gets you on a journey to being healthier again?

plexus products with ease

Plexus X Factor

X-Factor Turbo-Charged Multivitamin

Here’s a great article on the X-Factor Turbo-Charged Multivitamin:)

The creator of the X Factor feels that it is the best product he has ever developed. He was also a part of creating Noni Juice! Yeah, he’s more excited & proud of the X Factor than he is of that. The patented aloe blend found in the X Factor is over 30 years in the making. It utilizes BOTH the whole leaf AND the gel—no other product on the market has a more powerful formula. Aloe applied topically promotes 121% faster healing than the body does on its own. When taken internally, aloe finds the “zip code” of what needs to be fixed in the body & addresses it. You must have QUALITY aloe (and lots of it) in order for it to be effective. The X Factor’s blend exceeds the standards set by the FDA for a product to claim that it’s an “aloe product” by FIVE TIMES. As far as quality goes, X Factor has the highest grade of aloe vera in existence. The farms we have in Costa Rica & Mexico produce the richest aloe in the world. The topsoil is actually volcanic soil in Costa Rica and is 5 FEET DEEP! Whereas most aloe plants take 18 months to reach maturity, ours are fully mature in only 12 months.
Here are a few studies that have been done on our aloe blend:

Study #1 utilized over $84 million dollars in research grants.
240 lab animals were split into 2 groups. Group A was given aloe to drink, Group B was given only water. Everything else in their diets was exactly the same.

Results: Group A lived 10% longer, had 39% less cancer, and 56% less heart attacks & strokes than Group B. Group A’s liver function averaged over 90%, whereas Group B’s averaged less than 40%.

Study #2 was done on humans. Group A was given our patented aloe blend along with Vitamin C. Group B was given water along with Vitamin C.

Results: Group A had 304% more bioavailability (absorption) of Vitamin C than Group A.

# 3 – Another study looked at Vitamin E in the same way. Results: 369% more bioavailability when taken with our aloe blend. B Complexes? 396% more bioavailability when combined with our aloe blend. Noticing a trend? Vitamins and minerals are absorbed better and last longer in the body when combined with our aloe blend, and as a result do more good. But those aren’t even close to the most exciting study results.

# 4 A colleague of the developer of the X Factor was given permission to treat 31 cancer patients in England, all who had been given a diagnosis of 3-6 months to live. He gave the subjects OUR ALOE BLEND 3 times a day.

4 ½ years later:

2 were in complete remission
7 showed reduced amounts of cancer
22 had the cancer growth stabilized

He was allowed to add 19 more subjects to the study. After a total of 6 ½ years, NOT ONE SINGLE PATIENT HAD DIED. These subjects were given 3-6 months to live, people!! And 6 ½ years later, they were all still alive. Our aloe blend promotes extremely high oxygenation of the cells in the body. Study after study has shown that a highly oxygenated cancer cell will die. Cancer cells with low oxygenation will metastasize and spread.

Yet another study utilized $4 million dollars in research grants to find the best carrier for cancer medication so that it could be absorbed by the body the most effectively. It looked at 4 different ingredients. Take a wild guess which one was found to get the cancer medication into the cancer cells the fastest & most effectively? Yep, OUR aloe blend!!! Unbelievable stuff.

Plexus X Factor also contains New Zealand Blackcurrant berry extract. This stuff is like antioxidants on steroids. And of course, ours is the best of the best. A study looked at the potency of several different fruits—acai, pomegranate, blueberries, etc. The scale they used to measure potency was 2-12 (weird, I know). The average of all of the fruits I just listed above was between 6 and 8. New Zealand Blackcurrant? 12.5.
The point is this: X Factor is nowhere near just a “multivitamin”. It is a 3 in 1 combination (aloe blend, Blackcurrant, & other vitamins & minerals) of the best ingredients on the planet shown to get you healthy and keep you there. Plus, the aloe blend not only helps with the absorption of the fantastic vitamins & minerals in the X Factor, it also helps with the absorption of ALL foods & medications you ingest. Which means yes, it boosts the already fantastic results obtained from all of the other Plexus products.

Every one of you needs to get yourselves and your loved ones on this product. If there were only one Plexus product that you were committed to using FOREVER, this needs to be it.
Order yours here! 

Hello world!

This blog will focus on Plexus and the journey to getting healthy using the products. I will share my experiences as well as the experiences of others who want to share their journey. Getting healthy is a journey and will take time and patience. It took me many years to get unhealthy and not even realizing how quickly I was letting my body go. Over the years, I was using excuses such as age, having children, and stress keep me from really reaching my goals of getting healthy. Now there are no more excuses and no turning back into an unhealthy person. Plexus is and will continue to be my motivator and path to being healthy.